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The Department of History and Archaeology belongs to the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Ioannina, which was founded in 1964 as an annex to the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (B.Δ. 735/1964, ΦΕΚ A' 240), before becoming an independent Higher Educational Institute in 1970.
Since 1984, the Department has been part of the School of Philosophy, operating since then under the Law 1268/82.


The Department of History and Archaeology is composed of the following four sectors:

- The Sector of Ancient and Medieval History 

- The Sector of Modern History 

- The Sector of Archaeology and Art History 

- The Sector of Folklore Studies


The undergraduate programme of studies offered by the Department of History and Archaeology aims at transmitting to students a comprehensive body of knowledge in the fields of history, archaeology, history of art and folklore studies on the basis of universally accepted research standards.

The undergraduate programme lasts four (4) years and leads to a degree in History and Archaeology. During the first year (first two semesters), courses address to all students enrolled in the Department. By the beginning of the second year (third semester), students have to select one of the two specializations:

a) History
b) Archaeology and History of Art

The undergraduate programme offers a core of basic courses, which are compulsory, as well as a wide range of optional courses, including seminars, where the evaluation of the students depends on the quality of a research paper. There is also the option to choose courses from other faculties.

The Department’s platform of e-courses provides to students additional research information, tools, sets of bibliographies, audiovisual and other electronic material.

The programme is enriched by seminars and lectures, given by Greek and foreign scientists, as well as special courses (drawing-photography). Students have also the opportunity to attend foreign language courses (English, French, Italian, German).

Teaching is combined with student participation in excavations, field surveys, educational excursions, museum visits, archival studies etc.

The Department offers a successful internship programme as an optional course in the frame of the undergraduate programme. Students have the opportunity to be employed for a two-month period in research institutions and organizations for gaining professional experience, while deepening their academic knowledge.

During their four-year period of study in the Department, students are introduced to the necessary research methodology for resolving old and new issues related to history, archaeology and folklore studies based on primary or secondary sources. They are effectively engaged in academic research and professional practice, while acquiring the necessary skills and competences for their further academic development and professional success.

Graduates Career Paths

After the completion of their studies, graduates can follow postgraduate studies in either a Greek or a foreign University.The postgraduate programmes of the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Ioannina are the following:

- Ancient World: History and Archaeology

- Byzantine Studies

- Intersectional programme in Modern History and Folklore Tradition

The Department’s graduates can be employed at:

  • Public and private secondary schools as teachers,
  • The Greek Archaeological Service and the Greek Ministry of Culture,
  • Museums and other cultural institutions,
  • Research centres, libraries, and archives,
  • Greek National Tourism Organisation,
  • Private and public centres and services as members of their research and scientific personnel,
  • Diplomatic service of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
  • Press


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