some_textΣημαντικές Ανακοινώσεις: -- Πρόγραμμα εξεταστικής για το χειμερινό εξάμηνο ακαδ. έτους 2024-25 Τμήμα Ιστορίας & Αρχαιολογίας Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων - Byzantine Studies


The two years-long course of the Postgraduate Program in Byzantine Studies, established in 1995, aims through its -unique in Greece- tripartite program, at promoting an interdisciplinary approach to medieval History, and Archaeology/ Art, of the eastern Mediterranean, and particularly, the Byzantine Empire and the Medieval Europe in its entirety.
Besides the main subjects of the student's specialization, he/ she is obliged to take one subject from the other two branches of the Course. As a result of these thematic directives, there emerge specific courses of study which lead to the following special categories:

  • Byzantine History,
  • Byzantine Archaeology/ Art,


The coexistence of the socio-political History of the Middle ages, together with Byzantine Literature and Byzantine Archaeology/ Art during the two years' course, enriches the student's methodological and academic apparatus, by equipping him/ her with more knowledge, and new fields of interest, which can not be fostered in the case of postgraduate courses which follow a specific direction, right from the beginning.
This interdisciplinary approach of the Middle ages, challenging the fragmentation of material and the monolithic approach to the past, is from a scientific perspective necessary nowadays, since the multilevel research is in retreat, leading to the cultivation of a shallow memory, and a framework, prone to outdated interpretations and unhistorical textual approach.
With this perspective in mind, the combination of studies in Literature, History, and Archaeology/ Art for the award of an eventual Degree in Medieval Studies ensures an interdisciplinary approach, without clouding their scientific boundaries, something which is noted recently more and more in Human Sciences. In other words, it contributes to the discovery of the lost channels of the above disciplines, and forms the basis for viewing the past as a living world.


 President of the Postgraduate Programme: Professor Christos Stavrakos, Secretariat: Katerina Papadima

 Contact numbers:

 Phone: +3026510 07180



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